You are on the right site! We have changed our name from NPS MedicineWise Learning to QUM Learning.
QUM Learning provides health professionals and students with a range of learning activities and resources. All our courses are available free of charge.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have died.
Customer Service update
There will be no customer service support between 20 December and 1st January 2025. Customer service will resume on 2nd January 2025.
Recently updated
Click here to access this interactive online learning module that supports health professionals to report adverse events associated with medicines and vaccines to contribute to the TGA’s ongoing safety monitoring.
Medication safety & quality use of medicines
Exploring the various causes of medication errors and preventing errors from occurring in your workplace.Guiding you through the principles of safe prescribing and how to complete the NSMC correctly.Updated series of 6 modules for healthcare providers. The National Cervical Screening Program is moving to the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer (ACPCC) in January 2025 https://acpcc.org.au/Real time prescription monitoring
A series of three modules to train prescribers and pharmacists on the use of the Victorian SafeScript system.A series of three modules to train prescribers and pharmacists on the use of the New South Wales SafeScript system.A series of three modules to train prescribers and pharmacists on the use of the Western Australian ScriptCheck system.Useful links
The National Cervical Screening Program is moving to the Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer (ACPCC) in January 2025 https://acpcc.org.au/. New enrolments will end on 31 December 2024, previous completion certificates will continue to be available
Enrolments for this course have closed. This course has been reviewed and it has been determined that it should be discontinued as the content is not current. Your completion certificates will continue to be available.
Enrolments for this course have closed. This course has been reviewed and it has been determined that it should be discontinued as the content is not current. Your completion certificates will continue to be available.
This course has been reviewed and it has been determined that it should be discontinued as the content is not current. Enrolments have closed and you will need to complete the course by 30 June 2024. Your completion certificates will continue to be available.
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