This module focuses on screening in general practice, using the common clinical presentation of a routine health check as the mechanism to explore rational testing.
The extension activity explores the faecal occult blood test (FOBT) and its role in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Duration: 20 minutes.
Target audience: GP registrars and medical students
CPD points: Self-directed CPD.

This module will help you to assess whether a diagnostic medical test is likely to add value to patient care. You will be introduced to – or reminded of – skills that will help you to assess the diagnostic value of medical tests.
Not all medical tests will add value. Unnecessary tests often lead to further invasive investigations that can in turn lead to unnecessary risks, patient anxiety and financial waste. Duration: 30 minutes
Target audience: GP registrars and medical students
CPD points: Self-directed CPD.

In this module you will learn practical ways in which you can assess the clinical significance of abnormal test results and of changes in test results over time. You will meet Jill whose case illustrates the scenarios where such problems can arise. Duration: 20 minutes.
Target audience: GP registrars and medical students
CPD points: Self-directed CPD.