Rheumatoid arthritis: getting the facts straight about methotrexate (webinar - on demand)
Rheumatoid arthritis: getting the facts straight about methotrexate (webinar - on demand)
About the webinar
Optimal management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis depends on successful collaboration between rheumatologists, GPs and community pharmacists.
View our webinar, held on 12 April 2018, for an interdisciplinary discussion about why early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improved health outcomes for people with rheumatoid arthritis and how good communication and collaborative care can help patients get the most out of methotrexate treatment.
Our discussion focussed on:
- early diagnosis and timely initiation of methotrexate
- clarity on health professional roles and interdisciplinary care for prescribing and monitoring of methotrexate
- counselling on use of, and persistence with, methotrexate
View the learning outcomes.
Target audience: Rheumatologists, GPs and community pharmacists.
Open to: All health professionals and students
Cost: Free
CPD points: Self-directed CPD - view details
Meet the panel
GPs, pharmacists and rheumatologists all have a critical part to play in optimising the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. We have selected a panel of experts from each discipline to guide the discussion and respond to your questions.
Dr Mona Marabani

Dr Mona Marabani is a consultant rheumatologist who works in private practice in Sydney. Trained in rheumatology at the Centre for Rheumatic Diseases in Glasgow and at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Mona is currently a visiting senior specialist in medicine and rheumatology at Canterbury Hospital. She is a former President of both the Australian Rheumatology Association and Arthritis Australia, and continues to support Arthritis Australia as a Director Emeritus.
Dr David Liew

Dr David Liew is a consultant rheumatologist and clinical pharmacology fellow at Austin Health, Melbourne. He is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Melbourne and is also one of the hosts of the Australian Prescriber series.
Associate Professor Morton Rawlin

Morton Rawlin is currently in clinical general practice in Melbourne. Previous posts include Chair of RACGP Victoria Faculty, Founding Chair of the RACGP Faculty of Specific Interests, RACGP Board Member, RACGP National Director of Educational Services, and Director of GP Training. Currently Chair of the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaborative and immediate past Chair of the Mental Health Professionals Association, Morton is also board member of the Mental Health Professionals Network and Medical Director of the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Victoria.
Jarrod McMaugh

Jarrod McMaugh is the managing partner at Capital Chemist Coburg North. As a community pharmacist and Vice President of the Victorian branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Jarrod has a strong interest in the practice and development of community pharmacy and the delivery of clinical services.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this module the learner will be able to:
- Describe the importance of an integrated approach in optimising the early initiation and persistence of low-dose methotrexate used for RA.
- Determine the urgency of any referral based on patient presenting clinical features, key test results, prognostic features and specialist advice if required.
- Explain to patients the role of low-dose methotrexate in RA and dispel common myths about methotrexate therapy.
- Outline how health professionals can agree on a shared care plan to monitor DMARD use and manage patient CVD associated risk and lifestyle factors.
- Describe the role of corticosteroids in the management of rheumatoid arthritis including recommended dosage and strategies which limit any drug adverse effects.
Continuing professional development points
Self-directed CPD
It is recommended that 1 CPD hour be recorded for the purposes of self-directed CPD.