Online courses
Online courses
Our online courses support the quality use of medicines and medical tests. Content is presented as modules that allow you to work at your own pace and in an engaging style that helps inform quality decision-making.
Obtain additional CPD points by completing one of the three CPD bundle activities for pharmacists.
Developed in collaboration with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) and funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, these courses deal with antimicrobial prescribing in a hospital setting.
Benji is a 3–year–old boy presenting in the Emergency Department of the local hospital with shortness of breath. He is brought in by his mother Bridgit.
This interactive online learning module has been developed to support GPs, GP registrars and medical students to make the best use of diagnostic imaging in the investigation of chronic abdominal pain.
Professor Andrew McLachlan provides clarity around this often misunderstood area and answers the questions you’ve always wanted to ask.
This online module aims to support general practitioners and practice nurses in preoperative blood management.
The module explains why at least two sources of information are used to obtain the BPMH and the reasoning behind how medication history taking techniques can influence the accuracy of the history obtained.
Quality use of medical tests is a core skill for healthcare professionals as not all tests add value. Develop your skills with this growing range of short practical modules.
Explore the various causes of medication errors and equip you with the knowledge and skills to help prevent errors from occurring in your workplace.
Low–value care is an issue of concern in Australian health care. This training highlights how medico–legal risks and low–value care are connected in several ways.
This training course will guide you through the principles of safe prescribing and demonstrate how to complete the National Standard Medication Charts correctly.
In this course you will learn about the principles of QUM and the roles different health professionals play in promoting QUM.
Belinda is a 22–year old woman with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Her first episode of psychosis occurred when she was 19 years old. She is a regular patient in your clinic, however you haven’t seen her previously.
(Note: this course was previously titled Lifestyle issues and diagnosed schizophrenia – Belinda.)
This interactive online learning module supports
health professionals to report adverse events associated with medicines and vaccines to
contribute to the TGA’s ongoing safety monitoring.
Improve communication between pharmacists and young people accessing pharmacy services including medicines for depression and anxiety, to optimise their engagement with management options and support their overall mental health wellbeing.
Learn how electronic prescriptions provide convenient, seamless and safe access to medicines from the point of prescribing to dispensing and supply.
Bill is a 55–year–old man with type 2 diabetes. These modules follow your care of Bill over a 6 year period.
Learn how electronic prescriptions provide convenient, seamless and safe access to medicines from the point of prescribing to dispensing and supply.