Anticholinergic Burden – Pharmacist CPD Bundle
Anticholinergic Burden – Pharmacist CPD Bundle
Pharmacists can now obtain additional CPD points by completing one of the three CPD bundle activities.
Target audience: Pharmacists
Cost: Free
CPD points: Self-recorded. This activity can be self-recorded as Group 3 CPD activity if you meet the Australian Pharmacy Council requirements. The activity duration will vary depending on the pharmacist and their practice. NPS MedicineWise recommends pharmacists allow 2–3 hours per activity.

These activities can only be commenced on completion of the clinical case study Anticholinergic burden: Reducing the impact on older people. Choose one of the three options below.
Privacy: NPS MedicineWise will not collect patient names or any of the data that you enter. The documents provided in each of these activities are designed to be downloaded and saved onto your own computer. It is your responsibility to keep these documents for your record keeping.
How to self-record these activities?
This activity may be self-recorded as Group 3 CPD points if you meet the following criteria as per the Australian Pharmacy Council (APC).
The council have defined Group 3 activities as
- “Activities where an assessment of existing practice (as an individual or within a pharmacy practice), and the needs and barriers to changes in this practice are undertaken prior to the development of a particular activity.
- For example, you may deliver a presentation or training to your staff or write and publish a journal article.
- You could reflect on how a service or process is delivered, undertake related training, implement changes to your practice, and then document how the training helped you change or improve your practice.
- Pre- and post-activity self-reflection is essential for Group 3 CPD activities.”
The Pharmacy Board of Australia Guidelines on CPD state that records of participation in CPD activities must include:
- date of activity
- source or provider details
- type of activity
- topics covered during activity
- accreditation status
- CPD credits.
Records should be maintained for at least 3 years. The completion certificate can be used to support your records.
Older people on multiple medicines are at greater risk from cumulative anticholinergic burden. This occurs when the anticholinergic effects of individual medicines add together to produce unintentional consequences.
Some of the adverse events of this anticholinergic burden, such as dry mouth and constipation, impact on quality of life. But others, particularly dizziness and falls, can be far more serious. Exposure to high anticholinergic and sedative burden has been associated with a 60% increase in fall-related hospitalisations.

You will be required to:
- complete the clinical case study Anticholinergic burden: Reducing the impact on older people
- complete one of the activities below
- complete an evaluation survey.
Clinical resources and tools
The NPS MedicineWise clinical case study Anticholinergic burden: Reducing the impact on older people provides the foundation for these activities. Supporting clinical resources are available here.
Pharmacist CPD bundles
Peer presentation

Consolidate learnings from the anticholinergic burden case study and deliver a presentation at your workplace focused on the topic of anticholinergic burden
Practice review – Medication Management Review

Implement learnings from the anticholinergic burden case study into your upcoming HMRs/RMMRs.
Practice review – MedsCheck

Implement learnings from the anticholinergic burden case study into future MedsChecks.
Continuing professional development
Self-directed CPD
Self-recorded. This activity can be self-recorded as Group 3 CPD activity if you meet the Australian Pharmacy Council requirements. The activity duration will vary depending on the pharmacist and their practice. NPS MedicineWise recommends pharmacist allow 2–3 hours per activity.